National registry of human embryonic stem cell lines

All human pluripotent or human totipotent stem cell lines derived directly from embryos under the auspices of an institution that is eligible to receive Agency funds must be:

Before June 30, 2010, only human embryonic stem cell lines derived in the course of CIHR-funded projects were required to be listed in the registry.

Research proposals conducted under the auspices of an institution that is eligible to receive Agency funds using these cell lines need to be reviewed and approved by its Research Ethics Board and the Stem Cell Oversight Committee (SCOC) before the work can commence.

SCOC-approved human embryonic stem cell lines derived under the auspices of Agency-eligible institutions

Cell line(s) Publication citation Source
CA1, CA2 PMID: 17572666 Dr. Andras Nagy
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital
CC1, CC3 PMID: 20555390 Dr. Derrick Rancourt
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Calgary

To date, no decision has been made to disallow a human embryonic stem cell line submitted for SCOC review. Lines that have been disallowed will be listed here.

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