Focus Area 2: Corporate and Institute strategic plans, priorities, policies, and guidelines
An internal scan conducted in 2008 revealed that CIHR's Institutes, Branches, and Initiatives already have a solid foundation for engaging citizens in the development of strategic plans, priorities, policies, and guidelines. As an organization, CIHR has used a variety of techniques for receiving input, such as broad-based surveys; face-to-face meetings with targeted audiences; stakeholder forums; workshops; telephone surveys; focus groups; online consultations using web surveys; and small group dialogue sessions.Some examples of this engagement include:
ARCHIVED - CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People
A comprehensive, nationwide strategy for consultation with Aboriginal communities, researchers, and institutinos was built on the ACADRE (Aboriginal Capacity and Developmental Research Environments) network, which is a unique university-based resource with links to academic research communities and partnerships with regional First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities. The CIHR Ethics Office, along with the National Council on Ethics in Human Research, also conducted workshops and consultations with Aboriginal communities, researchers, and members of research ethics boards to obtain feedack on the draft guidelines.
Mobility in Aging Initiative
The National Forum on Mobility in Aging: Mobilizing Researchers and Stakeholders was organized in response to earlier consultations that identified the need to bring together experts from a broad spectrum of disciplines and sectors to generate research and knowledge translation addressing critical deficits in mobility in aging. Participants representing a range of perspectives, expertise, and experience were invited from different health professions; voluntary, non-governmental and private organizations; levels of government; and research disciplines.
As part of the implementation of CIHR's Framework for Citizen Engagement, the organization will strive to increase the number of opportunities for citizens to participate in the discussions about strategic plans, priorities, policies, and guidelines. For a thorough example of how such consultations can take place within the strategic planning process, see the Institute of Gender and Health Strategic Plan case study.
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