Susan Babcock


Independent Consultant
Member, Panel on Research Ethics (PRE)

Committee membership

Stem Cell Oversight Committee (Chair)


Now an independent consultant, Susan was a career academic administrator for more than 30 years at the University of Alberta in progressively senior positions. Her roles included: University governance, Faculty management, research grants administration and sessional teaching, management of two externally funded centres and research ethics leadership. Between 2006 and 2023, she built, developed and directed the Research Ethics Office which oversaw the University’s Human Research Ethics Program and the Animal Care and Use Program. Her office supported all human participant research and animal use undertaken by University staff and trainees, as well as all human participant research conducted by staff from Covenant Health (throughout Alberta) and Alberta Health Services (greater Edmonton area and Northern Alberta). Susan was also responsible for management of research ethics complaints and non-compliance issues. In addition to her service on the CIHR Stem Cell Oversight Committee which she will chair in 2023, she has been appointed to the federal Panel on Research Ethics. Her toolkit includes business skills (MBA), training in Chinese history (MA), a high tolerance for ambiguity, a great fondness for policy work, sound common sense and a good sense of humour.

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