Provincial COVID-19 resources
The National Alliance of Provincial Health Research Organizations (NAPHRO) and the member organizations are serving as a trusted partner by bringing key stakeholders together in our respective jurisdictions to identify COVID-19 priorities for funding. The Research and Innovation Community is encouraged to connect with provincial funding organizations to ensure coherence and coordination of efforts towards our collective goal to defeat COVID-19.
Alberta Innovates
In addition to serving as a funding partner on national COVID-19 research and innovation calls, Alberta Innovates is working with provincial and community partners to:
- assess and prioritize opportunities for investment
- engage SMEs, grant holders, and other ecosystem members in developing solutions that promote business/research continuity
- host a data science virtual Hackathon, April 10-May 18, 2020 to flatten the curve!
COVID-19 Rapid Response: Joint Funding Opportunity with CIHR
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR)
MSFHR has launched the MSFHR COVID-19 Research Response Fund, which will support high quality research in British Columbia (BC) geared towards the evaluation of the BC's initial and current response to the pandemic. MSFHR is also supporting the BC COVID-19 Strategic Research Advisory Committee, which advises the Province of BC on the priorities, funding, coordination and dissemination of research projects and their results to support the health system response.
MSFHR COVID-19 Research Response Fund
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (OMCU)
OMCU has established the Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund, putting forward $20M of funding for academic and/or research institutions and hospitals.
Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund
New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
NBHRF has launched a COVID-19 Research Fund, in partnership with the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. This fund will support research efforts to develop, test, and implement new, emerging methods of detecting and/or combatting COVID-19; and assessing its effects on people, communities, and the economy. The intent of this funding is to provide support to pursue ideas related to COVID-19 in areas that are new to the researcher; or to pivot existing research with a new focus on COVID-19.
Research Nova Scotia (RNS)
In partnership with provincial research institutions, RNS has launched the Coalition Research Funding Call, providing a $1.5M investment to support the NS research community in its response to the pandemic.
Nova Scotia COVID-19 Coalition Research Funding Call
Research Manitoba
The Research Manitoba COVID-19 Research Fund will provide funding for clinical trials and applied health research related to COVID-19. The fund will also support innovative research projects and strategic partnerships for research, health innovation and therapeutics being undertaken in Manitoba.
Research Manitoba COVID-19 Research Fund
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF)
SHRF has local support available for partnerships with organizations and research teams requiring funding for applications to other peer-reviewed opportunities. SHRF is also offering a knowledge mobilization grant, Research Connections: COVID-19 Rapid Response, to support sharing, use and integration of existing health research knowledge in a way that rapidly responds to the situation faced by Saskatchewan communities, patients and caregivers, front line workers, etc.
Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) – santé
FRQS and partners, has launched several initiatives in their rapid response to COVID-19. This includes the creation of an FRQ-MEI-MSSS working group to coordinate efforts in research and support innovative solutions to this pandemic.
FRQ-MEI-MSSS Working Group (in French only)
Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research (NLCAHR)
NLCAHR is deploying the resources and expertise of its Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program to provide context-sensitive decision support for its partners in the provincial health system on COVID-related issues.
The leaders of the system are submitting a steady flow of urgent questions to NLCAHR, which is providing “Quick Response Reports” within a few days containing links to reliable resources and summaries of up-to-date guidance documents and research studies.
We are also working with research leaders in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial to develop primary research projects examining some of these questions in greater detail and in a longer timeframe.
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