University Delegates Advisory Committee (UDAC) Terms of Reference


The UDAC provides support to the University Delegates (UD) Network by ensuring that relevant topics and important issues facing the research community are brought forward for discussion and examination.

The UDAC will act as an advisory group for CIHR staff within the Research Programs Portfolio on research related policies, programs, peer review and other relevant matters.


The UDAC members are intended to operate in the way it deems most efficient by the Associate Vice-President, Research Programs - Operations.

Chair and membership


The UDAC will be Chaired by the Director General, Operations Support branch within the Research Programs Portfolio (or their delegate).


The UDAC Committee includes:

Guests may be invited to attend the meeting or present items to the Committee at the discretion of the Director General accountable for the item and with the knowledge of the Chair.

Members representing the UD Network can self nominate or be nominated by peers, followed by a virtual voting process. Members may also be solicited to join the committee by invitation.

Selection of members must be informed by the need for representation from the following elements, recognizing eligible nominees are based on the UD Network membership and it may not be possible to have representation from all desired dimensions: 

As members of a CIHR advisory body, all UDAC members are required to submit a Declaration of external interests form when first appointed and annually thereafter for the duration of their membership term(s).


Appointments will be for three (3) years and are renewable once. UDAC terms will be staggered to ensure a coordinated schedule for rotation of membership.

Members must be a current member of the UD Network.

Roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Committee as a whole, of the Chair, and of members, are described in this section.

Roles and responsibilities of the Committee

The UDAC is expected to:

Roles and responsibilities of the Chair

The Director General, Operations Support as Chair is expected to:

Roles and responsibilities of Members


The UDAC monthly meetings will convene the third Tuesday of every month from 12:30 – 13:00 ET.

The UDAC will convene via in-person meetings in Ottawa or a virtual setting up to four (4) times a year.

Ad-hoc virtual meetings may be held in between meetings to discuss upcoming meeting agenda or other topics of common interest.


A majority of members (50% +1).

Relationship to other CIHR Committees

A UDAC member (as identified by the UDAC) will serve as the liaison between the UDAC and the UD Network.

In the event that the Associate Vice-President, Research Programs - Operations cannot participate, the Director General, Operations Support branch will report to the Associate Vice-President, Research Programs - Operations on matters of importance discussed by the UDAC.

The Director General, Operations Support branch will report to the Senior Operations Committee (SOC) as necessary on matters discussed at UDAC meetings that have operational impacts and relate to SOC’s mandate.

Minutes of UDAC meetings will be archived on the CIHR InfoNet and will be circulated to UDAC members on a monthly basis.

The agenda and minutes of UD Network meetings will reflect the discussion of UDAC monthly agenda setting meetings and will be archived in CIHR’s InfoNet and circulated to UDAC members on a monthly basis.


A review of the terms of reference will be completed on an annual basis during a UDAC in person meeting, before submitting to the authority for approval.

Code of conduct

Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the CIHR Code of Conduct.

Official languages

All members will be encouraged to participate in the meetings in the official language of their choice. Briefing material and records of decision will be produced in one of the official languages.

Secretarial Support

The UDAC will be supported by the CIHR UD Support Team, Operations Support. The UD Support Team advises the committee Chair and members on process, coordinates the meetings, prepares and distributes the agenda and minutes, and enables timely follow-up on committee actions.


Endorsed by the members of the University Delegates Advisory Committee on November 16, 2021.

Approved by the Associate Vice-President, Research Programs (Operations) on December 7, 2021.

Amendment endorsed by the members of the University Delegates Advisory Committee on April 19, 2022.

Approved by the Associate Vice-President, Research Programs (Operations) on May 17, 2022.

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