Terms of reference – Ad hoc working group of Governing Council (GC) on CIHR’s Institutes


The ‘Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes’ is a working group of Governing Council created to support Governing Council in delivering on its fiduciary responsibilities as they relate to matters of CIHR’s Institutes outlined within the CIHR Act [ PDF (273 KB) - external link ], associated commitments of CIHR’s 2021-2031 Strategic Plan, and the work associated with the Institute Model Review. The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes offers foresight, insight, intelligence, and vision to inform and advise on matters related to CIHR’s Institutes.

Roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes are to provide strategic advice to Governing Council in the following areas:

The Ad hoc Working Group is responsible for developing a framework to guide its work as per the roles and responsibilities outlined above.

Chair and membership

The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes is to consist of a Chair who is a Governing Council member plus up to 2 Governing Council members, up to 2 Scientific Directors (from either those who are currently in their second term or former Scientific Directors). CIHR’s President will serve as an ex-officio member. The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes may expand its membership as required to include up to 3 external members with expertise in areas that will further inform the functions of the working group.

The Ad hoc working group may invite external guests (national and/or international) to their meetings when input and guidance on key matters require additional expertise.

CIHR is committed to the values and principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across all aspects of its business. The appointment of members to the Ad hoc Working Group must consider representation of Indigenous, Francophones and equity-denied groups.


Governing Council members will serve according to their term and term renewal on Governing Council.

Scientific Directors (if applicable) will serve according to their second term as Scientific Directors or until the functions of the working group are complete. Former Scientific Directors (if applicable) will serve one term of up to 3 years (including the initial 6-month period)

External members (if applicable) will serve one term of up to 3 years.


To be held on an as-needed basis but may be scheduled regularly in periods when advisory needs related to the Institutes are elevated.


A majority of its members (50% + 1).


Bourinot’s Rule of Order, 4th Edition.


The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes advises and brings forward recommendations to Governing Council. This can be done by way of the Governance and Nominating Committee when appropriate.

The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes does not have decision-making authority for CIHR.


The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes will report to Governing Council through its Chair.


The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes will remain in place for a duration of 3 years or until the work outlined in the framework is complete.

The mandate and structure of the Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes will be reviewed annually following its implementation to ensure its ongoing compliance with the CIHR Act and fulfillment of commitments within CIHR’s Strategic Plan.

After 3 years and pending the outcome of the review of the mandate and the structure, the Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes may evolve into a more permanent form, if it is determined that a long-term structure is necessary to meet the requirements of the CIHR Act and commitments of CIHR’s Strategic Plan. If such is the case, the composition and terms of the members will also be re-examined.


The Ad hoc working group on CIHR’s Institutes is supported by the Governance Branch who advises the Chair and Working Group members, prepares and distributes meeting materials, and enable timely follow-up of committee decisions and actions. Internal support for the work of the committee will be provided as needed. The Executive Vice-President will be the executive lead for this work.

Terms of Reference

Revisions approved by Governing Council on July 23-24, 2024.

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