Best Brains Exchanges 2023

Best Brains Exchanges (BBEs) are in-camera sessions. As a result, not all Best Brains Exchange topics and presenters are listed here. The following information is being shared with consent.

For more information on any of the past Best Brains Exchanges listed below please contact


  • A Vision for the Future of Public Health Surveillance in Canada in 2030

    Partners: Public Health Agency of Canada's Data, Surveillance and Foresight Branch

    This Best Brain Exchange examined evidence-based strategies, partnerships, and competencies to contribute to a renewed public-facing vision for public health surveillance in Canada. The discussions included participants with domestic and international expertise, and with perspectives from academia, healthcare, and government.

    The Best Brains Exchange meeting report is now available

    The Vision 2030: Moving data to public health action report is available

  • Compassionate Communities – How to Optimize Federal Support for Community-Led Care

    Partners: Health Canada's End-of-Life Care Unit, Healthcare Excellence Canada

    This Best Brain Exchange examined current evidence and implementation strategies to advance the compassionate community model in Canada. The discussions included perspectives from academia, health care professionals, government, persons with lived and living experiences and international experts.


  • Racism and Discrimination experienced by Black People and Communities in Canadian Health Systems

    Partners: Health Canada's Strategic Policy Branch

    This Best Brains Exchange examined evidence-based policy solutions aimed at addressing systemic anti-Black racism in Canadian health systems. The discussion was centered on the voices of Black community members and included perspectives from academia, persons with lived and living experiences, provincial and federal government, and international experts.


  • Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for Whom Death is Not Reasonably Foreseeable (Track 2)

    Partners: British Columbia Ministry of Health Medical Assistance in Dying Operational Committee, British Columbia's Provincial Health Services Authority, Vancouver Island Health Authority, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Fraser Health Authority, Interior Health Authority, Northern Health Authority, and the University of British Columbia

    This Best Brain Exchange examined current evidence and fostered discussions to support the development of policies and procedures to optimize the care of 'Track 2' patients requesting MAiD (including those with a mental disorder as the sole underlying medical condition). The discussion included perspectives from provincial health authorities, federal government, academia, health care professionals and international experts.

    The Best Brains Exchange Meeting Report [ PDF (565 KB) - external link ] is available.


  • Exploring the Development of a Canadian Breast Implant Registry

    Hosted in collaboration with Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) and Health Canada and the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (IGH)

    The purpose of this Best Brains Exchange (BBE) was to examine current evidence and convene stakeholders from multiple sectors to determine whether developing a Canadian breast implant registry would improve patient notification in the event of safety concerns.


  • Treatment of Chronic Pain and Complex Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions

    Hosted in collaboration with Health Canada

    The purpose of this Best Brains Exchange (BBE) was to bring together federal, provincial and territorial partners with researchers, clinicians, professional associations, implementation experts and those with lived experience to enhance and share knowledge related to best practices and treatment options for people living with chronic pain and concurrent mental illnesses and/or substance use-related conditions.

    Learn more about the BBE in the report.

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