CIHR-ICR Early Career Researcher Workshop 2024: Application Form (Preview)

To assist with the application process, a preview of the application questions is available. You may wish to prepare your responses in advance and then copy and paste them into the application form.

All fields must be completed. Any missing information will result in your application being withdrawn.

When you are ready, please submit the online application form.

The application deadline is September 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT.

CIHR-ICR Early Career Researcher Workshop 2024 Application Form

A. Applicant Information

  1. First Name:
  2. Last Name:
  3. Email Address:
  4. Job Title:
  5. Department:
  6. Company / Institution:
  7. City:
  8. Province/Territory:
    • Alberta
    • British Columbia
    • Manitoba
    • New Brunswick
    • Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Northwest Territories
    • Nova Scotia
    • Nunavut
    • Ontario
    • Prince Edward Island
    • Quebec
    • Saskatchewan
    • Yukon
  9. Please indicate the year of your first faculty appointment in Canada.
    • 2024
    • 2023
    • 2022
    • 2021
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2018
    • 2017
  10. Have you attended any previous CIHR-ICR Early Career Researcher/New Principal Investigator events?
    • Yes
    • No
  11. What would you like to learn or discuss at the CIHR-ICR Early Career Researcher Workshop?
  12. Which CIHR research pillar do you most identify with? (Select all that apply):
    • Pillar 1: Biomedical
    • Pillar 2: Clinical
    • Pillar 3: Health Services
    • Pillar 4: Social, Cultural, Environmental, and Population Health
    • Other, please specify:

B. Area of Research

Please provide information on your area of research. Please note the word limit is max. 400 words in English and max. 500 words in French. These guidelines follow CIHR's recommended guidelines for French language applications.

C. Anticipated Outcome

Provide a brief description of your anticipated outcomes from participating in the CIHR-ICR ECR Workshop. Describe how it will benefit your research and career development. Please note the word limit is max. 400 words in English and max. 500 words in French. These guidelines follow CIHR's recommended guidelines for French language applications.

D. Curriculum Vitae & Letter of Support

Please submit a PDF of your BioSketch Common CV (to be completed using the Canadian Common CV interface) and a letter of support from a representative of a recognized academic institution confirming your status as an ECR and the date of your first faculty appointment in Canada. Note: When you register, it takes up to 24 business hours to process your CIHR PIN.

E. Demographics

We are collecting your personal data to manage the submission and review process. Data will be kept confidential and may only be shared in aggregate. This will be used to enhance equitable, diverse, and inclusive participation in the workshop.

  1. Select the option that best describes your current gender identity.
    1. Man
    2. Woman
    3. Transgender female
    4. Transgender male
    5. Non-binary
    6. I do not identify with any option provided
      • I identify as:
    7. Prefer not to disclose
  2. Which of the following pronouns do you most identify with?
    • He/him
    • She/her
    • They/them
    • I do not identify with any option provided
      • I identify as:
    • Prefer not to disclose
  3. Which of the following racial/ethnic groups do you most identify with? (Select all that apply).
    • Indigenous
      • Please specify: First Nations, Inuit, Métis
    • Arab
    • Black
    • Chinese
    • Filipino
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Latin American
    • South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
    • Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
    • White
    • I do not identify with any option provided
      • I identify as:
    • Prefer not to disclose
  4. Do you identify as a person with a disability?
    • Yes - visible
    • Yes - invisible
    • No
    • I do not identify with any option provided
      • I identify as:
    • Prefer not to disclose
  5. How did you hear about the 2024 CIHR-ICR ECR Workshop?
    • CIHR-ICR newsletter
    • CIHR-ICR website
    • Colleague recommendation
    • X (formerly known as Twitter)
    • LinkedIn
    • Online search
    • Word of mouth
    • Other, please specify:
  6. CIHR-ICR has a mailing list to share information about opportunities, events and news. Would you like to be added to the mailing list to stay informed about future opportunities? You may unsubscribe at any time.
    • Yes
    • No
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