Service Design in Health Research Webinar


This webinar will support research teams by exploring some foundational knowledge relating to social determinants of health. The webinar will also cover some principles from the User Design profession to help people consider health systems from a different angle. This session will provide participants with strategies for improving research design and fostering meaningful collaborations with underserved communities, especially diverse and underrepresented groups for shorter projects. All members of the research team are welcome to join.

This is a collaboration between the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) and the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR).


The specific objectives of the workshop include

  • Identify limitations of current health research approaches to structural and social determinants of health
  • Apply design heuristic techniques and assumption mapping to identify gaps in their research framing and methodology
  • Build trustful relationships with underrepresented communities
  • Engage with critical and reflexive analytical methods as part of a co-design framework


Alex Haagaard is a design strategist living in so-called Kingston, Ontario. Their work specializes in digital accessibility, community engagement, and disability and health justice. They have lived with chronic pain since early childhood and this experience informs their interest in designing and advocating for system-level changes to how healthcare services are conceptualized, planned and delivered. Alex is currently a member of Pain BC's Putting the Pieces Together conference steering committee, and co-chair of the Chronic Pain Network's Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science Committee.

Webinar date

Thursday, April 10th, 2025; 5:00 to 6:00 PM EST

Contact information

For all inquiries, please contact the IMHA Mailbox at:

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