Outil de partenariat pour Les femmes S’ÉLÈVENT
Appel de demandes en deux étapes à l’intention des équipes de recherche pour la santé et le bien-être économique des femmes dans le cadre d’une reprise post-COVID-19 inclusive, durable et équitable
Les femmes S’ÉLÈVENT vise à soutenir une nouvelle initiative de recherche-action sexotransformatrice orientée vers l’action sur les interrelations entre la santé des femmes et leur travail (rémunéré ou non) dans le contexte de la préparation et de la riposte à la COVID-19, ainsi que du redressement postpandémique.
L’outil de partenariat a pour objectif de favoriser les liens et la collaboration entre les chercheurs ou chercheuses et les décideurs ou décideuses travaillant au Canada et dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire dans le cadre de la possibilité de financement : appel de demandes à l’intention des équipes de recherche Les femmes S’ÉLÈVENT. La possibilité de financement est maintenant publiée sur la page Financement du CRDI.
Le tableau ci-dessous contient des renseignements sur des chercheurs et chercheuses, les entités décideuses et les organisations intéressées à collaborer à l’appel de demandes à l’intention des équipes de recherche Les femmes S’ÉLÈVENT. L’information est fournie dans la langue dans laquelle elle a été présentée.
Les renseignements sont donnés sur une base volontaire et ne procurent aucun avantage particulier dans l’évaluation et le financement des demandes. Le recours à l’outil de partenariat est à la discrétion des utilisateurs et relève de leur responsabilité.
Le tableau sera mis à jour chaque semaine, jusqu’en juillet 2022.
Comment puis-je trouver des collaborateurs canadiens ou un superviseur potentiel dans mon domaine?
Les bases de données consultables qui suivent peuvent aider les chercheurs étrangers à trouver des collaborateurs potentiels au Canada.
- Base de données sur les décisions de financement des IRSC : Cette base contient des données sur les demandes de subventions et de bourses approuvées par les IRSC depuis janvier 2009. Elle peut être interrogée par sujet de recherche, chercheur, lieu, programme, institut/thème ou partenaires. Veuillez noter que cette base de données n’affiche pas les coordonnées des chercheurs, mais qu’elle nomme l’établissement auquel ils étaient affiliés au moment de l’octroi du financement.
- Chaires de recherche du Canada : Cette base de données réunit les profils de plus de 1800 titulaires de chaire de recherche du Canada pour aider les personnes à la recherche d'experts en sciences naturelles, en génie, en santé, en sciences sociales ou en sciences humaines.
- Système d'information sur la recherche au Canada : Cette base renferme des données sur les subventions et les bourses octroyées par plusieurs organismes canadiens de financement de la recherche. Elle peut être interrogée par sujet de recherche, chercheur, lieu, détails de financement ou organisme. Cette base de données n'affiche pas les coordonnées des chercheurs, mais elle nomme l'établissement auquel ils étaient affiliés au moment de l'octroi du financement.
- Bases de données externes : Cette liste comporte une sélection de bases de données de projets financés par d'autres organismes.
Coordonnées | Pays de la recherche | Partie prenante/Type de participant | Domaines d’intérêt | Renseignements supplémentaires |
Philémon Ndengania promedeafrique@gmail.com Ocha Nord Kivu République démocratique du Congo Tel: 243971929031 |
République démocratique du Congo | NGO |
Community health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health HIV/AIDS Sexual and reproductive health Nous sommes une organisation humanitaire dénommé protection des mamans et enfants défavorisés en Afrique en sigle PROMEDE AFRIQUE ONG-D. Oeuvrant dans le secteur agricole et santé dans la province du Nord Kivu RDC. |
Vu la situation que traverse l'est de la République Domocratique du Congo surtout la situation des femmes et enfants car ils beaucoup plus victimes des plusieurs problèmes néanmoins l'insécurité alimentaire, violence sexuelle , mal nutrition et tant d'autres l'organisation PROMEDE AFRIQUE est toujours actif dans la zone avec d'autres partenaires locaux pour leurs accompagné. En fin nous sommes à la recherche des partenaires pouvant nous appuyer dans ce sens voir comment trouver une solution ensemble dans la province du Nord Kivu . |
Dr. Atunga Nyachieo anyachieo@yahoo.com Institute of Primate Research Nairobi Kenya Tel: 254724306688 |
Kenya, East Africa |
Research Institute Research Professional Community Partner National Government |
Community health Ethics Gender and health Health services and policy research Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public health Sexual and reproductive health |
Ms. Keneilwe Pearl Marata kmarata@bidpa.bw Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Gaborone Botswana Tel: 267 71542107 |
Botswana Other countries - South Africa |
NGO Research Institute Think Tank Research Professional |
Data and health Gender and health Governance and health HIV/AIDS Pandemic preparedness Public policy |
Public Health Specialist |
Dr. Linus K'osambo kosambosan@yahoo.com Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) Nairobi Kenya |
5 Counties - Kisumu, Homa Bay, Kwale, Kilifi, Nairobi |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Institute Research Professional National Government Technologies development and transfer to communities for improved livelihoods |
Community health Environments and health Gender and health Pandemic preparedness Public policy KIRDI is engaged in the development and transfer of simple and adaptable technologies and innovations that can be used to address local challenges. Food processing for better health is on of the core areas. This include processing and utilization of healthy traditional foods such as Amaranthus, finger millet, seaweeds, sweetpotato, cassava, etc. KIRDI is therefore interested in designing intervention that address technology-health nexus. |
KIRDI would like to partner with:
David Vargas davvargas@uniboyaca.edu.co Universidad de Boyacá Colombia |
Colombia | Academic Institute |
Data and health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Public health Social sciences and humanities |
We are a University from Colombia looking for a partner in Canada. We work before with women communities in the region (rural and city dweller) and we are looking for grants to strengthen women empowerment after the pandemic. We have research groups in health, social, and humanities, building a solid proposal to participate. Also, we are in contact with regional authorities to consolidate support to transcend the country's policies. |
Mr. Tegene Legese Dadi tege2004@gmail.com / tegene.legese@hu.edu.et Hawassa and Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: 251916125736 |
Ethiopia |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Research Institute Academic Institute Knowledge User Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Digital health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health systems research HIV/AIDS Maternal and child health Public health Sexual and reproductive health |
Dr. Janestic Twikirize janestic.twikirize@mak.ac.ug Makerere University Uganda Tel: 256706339564 |
Uganda | Academic Institute |
Community health Gender and health Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Child protection and child care reform |
The study will focus on women caregivers of patients with severe mental illness who are resettled into family/community. Exploring and assessing their care giving roles and how this impacts on their own health and livelihoods before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Dr. Luis Adolfo Mercado lmercado@ucb.edu.bo Researcher at Universidad Católica boliviana "San Pablo" Santa Cruz Bolivia Tel: 70079930 |
Bolivia | Independent researcher in Canada |
Health professional Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Environments and health Gender and health Health economics Health systems research Indigenous health Public health We are looking for partners with expertise in the areas of public health, economic, and/or social research with a gender and intercultural approach. Inequality in access to health and education services due to asymmetries caused by economic inequality resulting from the precariousness of employment or, in many cases, the lack of employment during the pandemic, of a large part of the Bolivian population, has contributed to many families living in a situation of extreme poverty. However, it should be noted that many families and communities have been able to overcome the tragedy, so it is interesting to identify the factors that have favored family and community resilience. The aim of this research project is to determine the role of women in family and community resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering socioeconomic and cultural aspects, among others. |
Dr. Gabriela Irrazábal (she/her) gabrielairrazabal@gmail.com CONICET Argentina Tel: 5491162802332 |
Argentina, Latin America, South America |
Research Institute Academic Institute |
Community health Data and health Ethics Gender and health Mental health and addiction Sexual and reproductive health Social sciences and humanities |
Academic Biography - Dr. Gabriela Irrazábal is an Adjoint Researcher at CEIL CONICET in Argentina. She has a PhD. in social sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and a B.A in Sociology from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Her field of study is the intersection between science, health, religion and politics. In particular, she studies representations and interventions in matters of bioethics such us the beginning, reproduction and end of life, including: abortion, reproductive cloning, embryo cryopreservation and moral status, MTR- gene editing - CRISPcas9, preimplantation diagnosis, techno-mediated reproduction, socio-cultural history of human embryos, euthanasia, dignified death, assisted suicide, refusal of treatment biomedical, reproductive health and management of religious diversity in public institutions. She has been visiting professor and researcher in several institutions and has published articles and book about her topics of study. She is the director of the Survey Science, Health, Beliefs and Society in Argentina (4532 cases) that has been financed by the University of Birmingham. Education 2008-2013 Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (PhD) University of Buenos Aires, Argentina 1998 -2006 Licenciatura en Sociología (B.A), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Recent appointments Present-2018 Adjoint Researcher, CONICET, Argentina Present-2021. Associate Professor of Research Methodology, Social Sciences & Administration Instititute, National University Arturo Jauretche, Argentina. 2018-2014 Assistant Researcher, CONICET, Argentina 2014-2013 Posdoctoral Fellow, CONICET, Argentina 2012-2008 Doctoral Fellow, CONICET and Ministry of Science & Technology, Argentina External competitive research funding in the last 10 years
Engagement and Impact Dr. Irrazábal has worked in the field of public communication of research findings. She has 59 interventions in the media (newspaper articles, TV and Radio interviews). She has also worked in the field of action research and social intervention such as families of prisoners and a as member of a Humans Rights organizations: the Centre of Studies in Criminal Policy & Human Rights. In the last years, she focusses her teaching activities in the social work B.A of her University. I have been working on a survey where we collect data on health, vaccines, the impact of pandemics in mental health, and social and economic issues. We have two reports in Argentina
Irrazábal Gabriela y Olmos Álvarez Ana Lucía (2022), Las mujeres en pandemia: salud, bienestar, formas de atención, coronavirus y vacunas. Segundo Informe de la Encuesta Ciencia, Salud, Creencias y Sociedad en contexto de pandemia Covid-19 en Argentina, Materiales de investigación CEIL (10). Irrazábal Gabriela (2021), Salud, bienestar, coronavirus y vacunas según región y adscripción religiosa. Primer Informe de la Encuesta Ciencia, Salud, Creencias y Sociedad en contexto de pandemia Covid-19 en Argentina, Materiales de investigación CEIL (9). Media coverage: Casi la mitad de la población sufrió ansiedad u otro trastorno de salud mental en pandemia, según estudio de Conicet La pandemia. La gente cree que con las vacunas no se va a enfermar y relajó medidas de cuidado frente al Covid Ocho de cada 10 argentinos creen que lo más efectivo para frenar el coronavirus es la vacunación We are looking for partners in order to collaborate in a comparative study with other countries in Latin America, specially regarding the impact of pandemics in health and mental health of women and diversities. |
Prof. Morankar Sudhakar morankarsn@yahoo.com Jimma University Ethiopia Tel: 251917763778 |
Ethiopia |
Research Institute Academic Institute |
Community health Data and health Environments and health Ethics Evaluations in health Gender and health Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Public health Sexual and reproductive health Social sciences and humanities |
Evidence based health care (Knowledge Translation and use in policy making) Jimma University is public university in Ethiopia. We have conducted studies on Covid impact particularly on primary health care services and women were most affected. We are currently involved in integrating Covid services in primary health care with special emphasize on gender and health aspects with. We are looking for Canadian partner as Co-PI. |
Joyce Kamanzi, PhD kamanzi@ualberta.ca Independent Researcher Alberta Canada Tel: 17802669538 |
Rwanda, Canada, sub-Saharan Africa |
NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional Community Partner Policymakers, decision makers, HIV/AIDS and PMTCT programs |
Community health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Housing Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Marginalization Emancipatory Vulnerable population Poverty and HIV Social determinants of health Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV Stigma and discrimination Gender Global health Health equity Culture disparities Oppression Childhood illness Nursing motivation Quality improvement |
Dr. Patience Erick erickp@ub.ac.bw University of Botswana Southern Botswana Tel: 26771629705 |
Botswana |
Health professional Academic Institute Research Professional |
Community health Environments and health Gender and health Occupational disease Public health Workplace health and safety |
University of Botswana is in Southern Africa and we are looking for potential collaborators from Canada in order to apply for the Women RISE call for funding. |
Dr. Jesica Lorena Pla jesicapla@gmail.com CONICET Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: 5491161508450 |
Argentina. United Kingdom. Spain. Brasil. Venezuela |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Professional |
Community health Gender and health Housing Labour Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Social Inequality. Social Mobility. Social reproduction. Social police. Migration. Care |
I need a partner based on Canada. My project focus on womens trajectories before during and after pandemic regarding labour, social reproduction and health. I work whit primary data and panel studie. |
Dr. Euripide Avokpaho euripideavokpaho@gmail.com Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin Bénin Tel: 229 97013891 |
Benin |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Research Institute |
Community health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health economics Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Public health Sexual and reproductive health |
Euripide Avokpaho, MD, MPH, is a Medical Epidemiologist at the Institut de Recherche Clinique du Benin (Benin, West Africa). He has an expertise in infectious disease control with an extensive experience in project management, clinical trials, epidemiological studies, qualitative research and economic evaluation. As a public health professional, Dr Avokpaho managed a community based malaria control project with Africare, a US based international NGO, served as Technical Advisor for a World Bank funded health syteme strenghning program and worked as international staff with MSF for Dengue fever outbreak control. Dr Euripide’s research focuses on infectious diseases including malaria and helminths infections. As part of his research work, coordinated for IRCB, the PAMVAC trial, a multicenter placental malaria vaccine trial sponsored by University of Tubingen. He is currently involved as Benin site Deputy Coordinator in Deworm3, a multicountry (Benin, Malawi and India) community cluster randomized trial to assess the feasibility of interrupting STH infections. Within this project Dr Avokpaho coordinated from 2018 to date, three (3) census of a population of 80.000 inhabitants, six (6) community mass drug administration to 50.000 individuals in collaboration with the National NTD Program, followed a cohort of 6.000 individuals for 4 years with yearly longitudinal stool samples surveys for STH diagnosis, coordinated two (2) cross-sectional surveys of 20.000 individuals and supervised Implementation Science team in qualitative and cost-related data collection and analysis. |
Enseignant-chercheur Rabeharisoa Lilia rabeharisoa.lilia@gmail.com Université Madagascar |
Madagascar |
Independent researcher in Canada Health professional Academic Institute Knowledge User Community Partner Populations pauvres et vulnérables en milieux rural et urbain |
Community health Environments and health Ethics Gender and health Infectious diseases Labour Maternal and child health Public health Social protection Other – please describe |
Madagascar, une grande île de l'Océan Indien, un pays agricole à la fois riche en biodiversités endémique et culturelle mais aussi parmi les plus pauvres du point de vue économique, avait eu une énorme opportunité de saisir des gros financements internationaux à disposition pour faire face à la pandémie du Covid 19 pour mieux progresser économiquement, en particulier par la transition vers une sécurité sanitaire, alimentaire et nutritionnelle en valorisant ses potentialités agricoles et sa richesse en biodiversité naturelle et culturelle avec l'unicité de sa langue qui devrait faciliter l'approche participative dans les activités de recherche pour une stratégie d'impacts des résultats, pour un vrai développement durable. Un changement transformateur par la recherche action participative est indispensable pour une appropriation des activités de recherche menées avec les acteurs de base, depuis le choix de la thématique de recherche, les méthodologies, résultats et leurs applications continues par ces acteurs de terrain avec les partenaires limitrophes pour de vrais impacts dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et l'insécurité alimentaire. Défi: mettre en oeuvre des stratégies d'impacts des résultats des recherches pour un vrai développement durable à Madagascar |
Limbikani Kadzamira
landmkaz@ahoo.com Youth Enterprise Services (YES) Malawi Central Region Malawi https://maleytata.wixsite.com/youthppf |
Malawi | Community Partner | Community health Data and health Gender and health Health economics Health services and policy research Maternal and child health Public health Social sciences and humanities |
Liliana Kremer Profesora titular e investigadora lilianakremerdodelson@gmail.com Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Colectivo de Mujeres del Chaco Trinacional Cordoba Argentina 0351157649609 |
Argentina Trabajo en los 3 paises que conforman el Chaco Americano: Bolivia Paraguay y Argentina. Tambien con colegas en Canada Reseau Femmes et Feminismes en dialogue, UQAM et Sherbrooke. Trabajamos temas de diversidad, discriminacion, racismo, prevención de la violencia, migraciones, derecho a la salud y la educacion. Nuestras investigaciones son invest accion mediacion y abordamos desde las narrativas y la construccion de escenarios posibles. |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) NGO Academic Institute Research Professional Redes locales y de intercambios de conocimientos |
Community health Indigenous health Labour Refugees and displaced populations Social sciences and humanities La relación entre contextos situados , locales, singulares de mujeres indigenas campesinas y fronterizas con sus derechos a una salud de calidad y su relacion con su capacidad de generar oportunidades de autonomía economica desde un enfoque y acciones interseccionales et interculturales
Professor Abi Sriharan abi.sriharan@utoronto.ca University of Toronto Canada |
Canada I am based in Canada. I am open to collaborating on applied projects related to the health workforce. |
Independent researcher in Canada | Health systems research Public health Public policy Workplace health and safety Health workforce Health systems Women in health care Women in leadership
Ouedraogo |
Burkina Faso | Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Community Partner
Community health Gender and health HIV/AIDS Maternal and child health Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Santé et droits humains
Offrir le minimum de soins aux personnes démunies et les informations qu'il faut pour le maintien ou l'amélioration de la santé |
Professor Innocent A. Semali innocent.semali@md.hkmu.ac.tz Hubert Kairuki Memorial University Dar es Salaam Tanzania 2550754269838 |
United Republic of Tanzania | Academic Institute | Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Sexual and reproductive health |
Dear All, I am a Professor in the Community Medicine Department at the Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) located in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. We wish to start applying for the just advertised IDRC Women RISE research funds to implement research in Tanzania focused on COVID-19. We are searching for an Academic/Research institution based in Canada that would like to partner with HKMU to develop the required research proposal and subsequently jointly implement the research as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI). Please if you are interested kindly contact me through the provided email or telephone number and we will start working to develop the proposal. With kindest regards Prof. Innocent Semali |
Dr. Abdunoor Mulokozi amulokozi@ihi.or.tz Ifakara Health Institute Dar es Salaam Tanzania 255 783126585 |
Tanzania, Benin, Canada, Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique | Health professional NGO Research Institute Research Professional Academician/trainer |
Data and health Digital health Environments and health Gender and health Health economics Health services and policy research Health systems research Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public health Sexual and reproductive health Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Vaccine rollout |
Strategies that can help health system designing to ensure continuity of all essential health services during emergencies, including preventive services, infection control, chronic disease management, and reproductive, maternal, and child healthcare (SUCH AS THE USE OF COMMUNITY SCORE CARDS and WASH STRATEGIES) |
Dr. Aneesa Moolla amoolla@heroza.org Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office (HE2RO) Gauteng South Africa 27 (0)10 001 7930 |
South Africa | Research Institute Academic Institute |
Community health Data and health Gender and health Health economics HIV/AIDS Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Public health |
Hello, we are proposing a project that aims to 1) conduct a rapid situational analysis and needs assessment to understand the effects of COVID-induced changes to the economic landscape on labor market prospects for women living in South Africa, to understand the economic stakeholder needs for the labour market, and to understand the characteristics and lived experiences of women experiencing unemployment or underemployment due to COVID-19 induced labor market changes, including impacts on women’s health, mental health, and overall well-being; 2) conduct a discrete choice experiment to understand the skills needs and support preferences of women seeking employment in the current environment; and 3) to develop and pilot a sustainable skills development program to develop appropriate and relevant job skills among women seeking employment, improve women’s self efficacy for engagement in income generating activities, and improve women’s general employability. Methods involved will include stakeholder interviews and focus groups, quantitative surveys, discrete choice analysis, and a mixed-methods pre-post program evaluation. Our team has expertise in community research; qualitative and quantitative methodology including formative assessments, discrete choice experiments, and program development and evaluation; medicine; psychology; and interdisciplinary organization and government partnerships. We are seeking a Canadian collaborator whose expertise is in economics, business, psychology/social health, or a related field. Thank you! |
Dr. Dechassa Tegegne Mekonta dachassat@yahoo.com Jimma University Oromia Ethiopia 251933616465 |
Ethiopia | Independent researcher in Canada Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional International organization NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Think Tank Knowledge User Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Environments and health Gender and health Health systems research Indigenous health Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health One Health |
I am animal Health expert and one health expert. I am in Jimma University working on OH , AMR , Zoonotic infectious diseases. I am currently working on AMR and Gender in Utopian , Matriarchy and Patriarchy communities in order to explore socially constructed factors interconnection with Antimicrobial resistance and use ( AMR , AMU), as well interconnection with infectious diseases. |
Adebayo Tajudeen Sanni sadebayo@kab.ac.ug Kabale University Kabale Uganda 256784534402 |
Uganda, Nigeria and Rwanda | Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) International organization Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Gender and health Health services and policy research Mental health and addiction Social protection Health Education and Social Welfare |
As a professional at Kabale University, Uganda, we shall welcome a partner from any research and academic institute in Canada. A professional can jointly design a proposal on women empowerment research, basic and applied. The area includes gender and health, social protection, gender equality, social welfare, community health, psycho-social support, HIV/AIDS, inequality and poverty. Moreso, covid-19 research. |
Dr. Jackline Aridi Jackline.Aridi@strathmore.edu Strathmore University Kenya 254715961081 |
Kenya | Academic Institute | Community health Data and health Gender and health Health economics Health services and policy research Health systems research Maternal and child health Public health |
University/Academic institution partners |
Dominic M. Kambarage Professor of large animal medicine, public health and one health kambaragedominic@gmail.com Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania 255 784 502101 |
Tanzania | Research Institute Academic Institute |
Health services and policy research Health systems research Infectious diseases Occupational disease Public health Our research is aimed to determine the dynamics of zoonotic diseases in women in Maasai communities who milk animals and look after the animals: with special reference to occupational health linked to brucellosis and tuberculosis. The project proposal is lined up to adopt one health approaches in disease detection, reporting and mitigation |
We would like to work with partners with expertise and interest in public health and one health approaches in addressing community-level health risk events |
Dr. Ana Maria Arias Uriona aarias.u@ucb.edu.bo Universidad Católica Boliviana La Paz Bolivia Tel: 59173716550 |
Bolivia |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Research Institute Research Professional |
Community health Gender and health Housing Indigenous health Labour Mental health and addiction Public health Refugees and displaced populations Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety Social Determinants of Health, Health inequalities Intersectionality and Health Working conditions Social Epidemiology Mental Health |
I am a social epidemiologist interested in studying the social determinants of health and social exclusion related factors (including housing, working conditions, paid and no paid work) in their mediation role between intersectionality and physical/mental health; using both innovative quantitative methods (to measure intersectionality) and qualitative methods. The research group I work with is looking for a partner in Canada. |
Theresia Karuhanga drkaruhangat@gmail.com Saint Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SFUCHAS) Morogoro Tanzania Tel: 0628970350 |
Tanzania |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Academic Institute |
Data and health Environments and health Ethics Infectious diseases Workplace health and safety |
P.O.Box 175 We are Saint Francis University College of Health and Allied Science from Tanzania. We are looking for a partner based in Canada to participate in our project as the Co-Investigator. Our project will focus on Tanzanian district health workers women (rural health centers); prevalence of Hepatitis B&c infection among the female nurses, its impact to the COVID 19 pandemic infection, medical Ethical influence, Workplace health and safety policy |
Présidente Banawela Nkoy Judith judith2020banawela@gmail.com ONG ADFLC Tshuapa Republique Democratique du Congo Tel: 243 851 813 128 Facebook: ONG ADFLC |
Republique Democratique du Congo |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) NGO Knowledge User Research Professional Community Partner |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Gender and health HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Notre organisation milite pour la promotion des droits et des connaissances des femmes (tenir compte de leurs savoir endogènes) dans le cadre de cette initiative " femmes s'élèvent " nous voulons faire des recherches sur le savoir endogène des femmes rurales en RDC, en rapport avec la santé, nous avions constatés que les femmes rurales possèdent des remèdes traditionnelles très efficaces, qui ne sont pas exploitées, pour ce faire, nous comptons faire des recherches sur leurs techniques de prises en charge traditionnelle et faire la promotion et une étude comparé avec la médecine moderne. |
nous cherchons un partenaire chercheur au niveau du Canada qui va nous aider à réaliser scientifiquement nos recherches. |
Laura Conde-Ferráez, PhD laura.conde@correo.uady.mx Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan Yucatan Mexico |
Mexico |
Academic Institute Research Professional |
Data and health Gender and health HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Public health Sexual and reproductive health We are a multidisciplinary group with researchers and academics from the biomedical and social medicine areas, and partners from public health services in Yucatan (Mexico). |
We are looking for a Canadian partner to participate as Co-PI who is willing to share his/her experience in public health data analysis and interpretation, gender-transformative projects implementation and to support the research team's capacity building. |
Silvia Patricia Zuniga Veliz sarscov2guatemala@gmail.com BioBox Guatemala Sweden Tel: 46 708384400 |
Guatemala |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional NGO Research Professional Community Partner |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health economics Health information systems HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health |
Our projects and services are: Health, environmental, and sustainable energy research projects Development of innovation projects in education and technology for the use of communities with low economic resources |
Joannah Davis jdavis@frontlineaids.org Frontline AIDS United Kingdom and South Africa |
Botswana, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
Community health Gender and health Health systems research HIV/AIDS Pandemic preparedness Sexual and reproductive health |
Frontline AIDS is a partnership of 63 civil society partners spanning more than 100 countries. We can host implementation research within our large portfolio of programmes. We are interested in including the most marginalised women in the Women RISE research. We can act as a third party bringing expertise in community health systems and the impact of COVID on HIV. We can also connect research institutions to our civil society partners in 20 of the eligible countries for this call. We are looking to collaborate with research institutes in Canada and LMIC. |
Dr. Terusha Chetty Terusha.Chetty@mrc.ac.za HIV and other Infectious Diseases Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council Kwa Zulu Natal province South Africa |
South Africa |
Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Gender and health Governance and health Health economics Health services and policy research HIV/AIDS Labour Public health Sexually transmitted infections |
The overall aim of our study is to assess the barriers and facilitators that women in Kwa Zulu Natal Province, South Africa, face to manage COVID-19 at an individual, social and community level in terms of access to health services and managing their livelihood. In addition, the team will explore responses of HIV infected women to the pandemic and how it affected their access to treatment. We will conduct a mixed-methods study. Data from the qualitative interviews with women will inform the development of the survey, which will be administered to women in the catchment areas of our HIV clinical research sites. The survey results and subsequent focus group discussions will be used to recommend intervention programmes that will improve women’s economic empowerment and health in a COVID-19 recovery phase. |
Daniela Figueroa Grant writer dfigueroa@co.acfspain.org Action Against Hunger- Colombia Bogotá Colombia Tel: 3136137024 |
Colombia |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) International organization Research Institute Academic Institute Think Tank Regional or Local Government |
Community health Data and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Indigenous health Maternal and child health Public health Refugees and displaced populations Action against Hunger Colombia is an International Non-governmental organization, with broad experience in humanitarian assistance, development, and peacebuilding projects, our sectors of expertise are Health and nutrition, Wash, Food security and livelihood, protection, and gender. We are looking for a research-oriented organization to jointly develop research on the impact of Covid 19 in women located in La Guajira. We have a currently project in La Guajira where SMART Surveys are being delivered and we do have an international academic partner. Action against Hunger Colombia is an International Non-governmental organization, with broad experience in humanitarian assistance, development, and peacebuilding projects, our sectors of expertise are Health and nutrition, Wash, Food security and livelihood, protection, and gender. We are looking for a research-oriented organization to jointly develop research on the impact of Covid 19 in women located in La Guajira. We have a currently project in La Guajira where SMART Surveys are being delivered and we do have an international academic partner. |
research-oriented organizations such as universities, local organizations, international organizations with investigation purposes, etc. |
Rafia Rafique rafia.appsy@pu.edu.pk UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB PAKISTAN PUNJAB PAKISTAN Tel: 92423004215694 |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Academic Institute |
Mental health and addiction Workplace health and safety Mental health and Occupational Wellbeing |
Need a Canadian Co-Applicant Organization must: Be a Canadian postsecondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation) or an Indigenous non-governmental organization in Canada with research and/or knowledge translation mandate. Have a legal corporate registration in Canada, be capable of contracting in its own right and name and will be responsible for managing grant funds issued in Canada. I AM INTERESTED IN WORKING ON MENTAL HEALTH AND OCCUPATIONAL WELLBEING OF WOMEN HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS |
Elizabeth Kaase-Bwanga Associate proffesor bwangae@gmail.com Busitema University, Uganda Uganda Tel: 256 0772480082; +25675820222 |
Uganda |
Academic Institute Research Professional |
Evaluations in health Gender and health Governance and health Health economics Health services and policy research Health systems research Labour Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public policy Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety 1. Gender and energy economics; 2. Monitoring and evaluation of public programmes; 3. Gender monitoring and evaluation; 4. Gender and leadership research; 5. Gender budgeting in public projects; 6. Gender and social economic analysis; 7 Gender and economic analysis; |
I am an economist and would need someone with skills in public health and related disciplines |
Jean-Batard Samuel Responsable de Programme /ICODEH HAITI icodehhaiti@gmail.com l'Alliance internationale francophone pour l'égalité et les diversités ,ILGALAC francophone ,Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy ,CIVICUS World Alliance, Anti-Racist Coopérations DELMAS HAITI Tel: 509 34510353 |
Community health Data and health Environments and health Gender and health Governance and health Health economics Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Housing Infectious diseases Legal aspects of health Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety La promotion de l’égalité, de la justice sociale et du respect de la dignité humaine en facilitant leur intégration et en dynamisant la solidarité humaine en Haïti. Depuis des années ICODEH'' se donne pour mission de fait des impacts auprès de la population haïtienne , soit avec des partenaire local ou international pour une autre impact vers le bien- être Social |
Nous avons pas encore de partenaires recherchés, mais nous sommes disponible pour toutes demande pour le bien-être Social, car notre mission est de faire une autre impact sur la vie et le bien-être Social |
Msc Claudia Mejía Morales cmejiamorales@hotmail.com; claudia.mejia@cidvid.com.mx CidVID Investigación Biomédica Zapopan/Jalisco México |
Independent researcher in Canada Health professional Research Institute Academic Institute |
Community health Data and health Gender and health Infectious diseases Public health |
Our research group at CidVID is looking for a Canadian Independent Researcher (Co-PI), who is part of any academic or research institute in Canada. The research topic to be developed corresponds to epidemiological studies, specifically research on infectious diseases. We are interested in identifying the gender gap from the study of infectious diseases, with the support of authorities from different levels of government and professors from Mexican universities so that our proposal transcends the country's policies. CidVID is a company that develops biomedical research located in Jalisco, Mexico; We have a multidisciplinary research team that involves doctors and masters of science in different specialty areas such as health, biology, chemistry, statistics, among others. We currently have a research proposal that involves more than 30,000 patients. |
Sijal Aziz sijal.ext@weldo.org Not for profit organisation Punjab Rawalpindi |
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organisation (WELDO) is based in Pakistan and is looking for research partners in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh. We are also looking for a partner institution in Canada. We are interested in second component of "Public Health Research". We will be preparing the concept note but are also willing to join other organisations if they are taking part in this important research. |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) NGO Knowledge User Research Professional Community Partner |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Governance and health Health economics Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy |
We are looking for Research teams from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka and partner institutions from Canada. Please feel free to contact us. |
Enseignante chercheuse Belmouss belmouss.khadija@yahoo.fr Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales Maroc Fes-Meknes Maroc Tel: 0661261680 |
Maroc |
Academic Institute |
Maternal and child health Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety Intéressée par un partenariat avec un acteur au canada pour une recherche sur les conditions de vie et travail des femmes (mamans) malades ,pauvres et marginalisées AU Maroc surtout pendant et après covid 19. Le but est d'assurer leur autonomie financière et leur bien être économique et social et celui de leurs enfants. |
Le partenaire recherché est :
Professeur d'Université Rabeharisoa rabeharisoa.lilia@gmail.com Comité Malgache d'Ethique des Sciences et des Technologie Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: 00261331131094 ou 00261341827528 |
Madagascar |
Independent researcher in Canada NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Knowledge User Research Professional Community Partner Regional or Local Government Nous sommes en train de chercher un(e) chercheur (se) indépendant(e) du Canada pour codiriger le projet que nous sommes en train de préparer |
Community health Environments and health Ethics Evaluations in health Gender and health Infectious diseases Labour Maternal and child health Social protection |
La sécurité alimentaire et la qualité des aliments sont en deçà des normes qualitatives à Madagascar. La pauvreté et le manque d’investissement dans l’agriculture ont réduit la fertilité des sols, ce qui a entraîné un rendement erratique et faible des cultures avec une faible valeur nutritionnelle. Ainsi y-a-t-il un réel besoin d’assurer un niveau soutenu d’un système agricole suffisamment productif et diversifié pour la population malgache, particulièrement en cette période post pandémie Covid 19. Les actions sur la sécurité alimentaire sont indissociables des actions sur la prévention des maladies infectieuses. Cette demande reflète ainsi l’accent mis sur les objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. Les légumineuses offrent différents services bénéfiques dans l'écosystème. L’intégration des légumineuses dans l’alimentation offre différents services écosystémiques : non seulement en tant que plantes fixatrices d'azote à haute teneur en protéines et en minéraux, mais aussi comme plante de couverture pour limiter l'érosion des sols. Madagascar est le berceau de la biodiversité et abrite une grande variété de légumineuses comestibles utilisées dans l'agriculture traditionnelle. Ce projet vise à tester, développer et diffuser des systèmes agricoles qui conduisent à une plus grande sécurité et qualité alimentaires en mettant en œuvre l’important rôle de la femme dans le choix des plats de légumineuses. La question de recherche vérifiable est que l'utilisation croissante des légumineuses avec une biodiversité croissante et avec de petits investissements dans les engrais produira plus d'aliments sains par rapport aux systèmes agricoles conventionnels à faible teneur en légumineuses et à faibles intrants. Cette question de recherche utilisera des mesures de l’apport alimentaire en protéines, zinc et fer pour la population rurale à travers différents systèmes agricoles. Il combinera (1) de nouvelles informations sur la capacité de la biodiversité des légumineuses de Madagascar à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et (2) l'extension des essais en milieu réel sur la performance supérieure des systèmes de culture soja/riz par rapport aux systèmes conventionnels sans légumineuses tels que les rations courantes de riz/maïs/manioc. La première partie s'appuiera sur l'inventaire de la biodiversité actuelle des légumineuses comestibles et non comestibles dans les systèmes agricoles de Madagascar en tenant compte de leur rôle dans la nutrition humaine et dans l'agronomie (lutte contre l'érosion/impact sur les maladies). Il utilisera des questionnaires et de nouvelles mesures de l'apport alimentaire en nutriments, en portant une attention particulière aux facteurs antinutritionnels potentiellement présents dans les légumineuses exotiques. La deuxième partie sera basée sur l'extension des essais en milieu réel de la rotation riz/soja pour lesquels nous avons précédemment montré des augmentations de rendement fabuleuses à de faibles doses d'engrais phosphaté, l'élément nutritif limitant. Il sera fait référence au manioc/maïs/riz à faibles intrants. Pour la première fois, nous allons comparer les apports alimentaires en nutriments des agriculteurs de ces systèmes en mettant en exergue l’important rôle des femmes et des jeunes. Le résultat attendu apportera de nouvelles informations et connaissances sur le rôle des légumineuses dans la sécurité alimentaire et une diffusion de ces connaissances aux agricultrices et agriculteurs. Mots clés : sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, légumineuses comestibles, agricultrice, agriculteur |
Andrés García-Suaza andres.garcia@urosario.edu.co Universidad del Rosario Colombia |
Colombia |
Research Institute |
Data and health Gender and health Health economics Housing Labour Public policy Refugees and displaced populations |
The Universidad del Rosario is promoting a scientific ecosystem around the issue of equity in Colombia, names UR Equity project. This project currently develops a research agenda that analyzes dimensions such as labor market and gender, migration and assimilation, inequality in older adults, among others. For the purposes of this call, we would like to develop a project on the relationship between gender, the economy of care and health. |
Regional Coordinator Navya DSouza navya.dsouza@hnsa.org.in HomeNet South Asia India |
South Asia |
NGO Regional Network |
Data and health Gender and health Labour Unpaid care work, childcare |
Through its widespread network of organisations of women HBWs, HomeNet South Asia is strongly rooted in their daily struggles particularly those related to work both paid and unpaid. It has endeavoured to continually generate evidence through its past and current research work on the status, challenges and possible solutions for women HBWs on this issue (eg: Impact of COVID-19 studies, Impact of Climate change, Childcare and its increasing burden on women, and more). It looks forward to working with a partner with core expertise and interest in action research on women’s health in the developing world, in particular in, South Asia. Inputs should include contributions to design of the action research project to test suitable strategies in strengthening women’s health for improved work ability, identifying suitable health indicators to monitor for the purpose, contribute to design of mid-term assessment strategy especially for health related indicators, and partner with HNSA throughout the research period as a specialised agency on women’s health. |
Dr Kunda jkundas@yahoo.com National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Tanzania Tel: 786928092 |
Tanzania, East Africa region |
Health professional Research Institute Research Professional National Government |
Evaluations in health Gender and health Health systems research HIV/AIDS Infectious diseases Pandemic preparedness Public health |
We are looking for partners from Canada to engage in research projects write-up in Tanzania in the areas of women, gender issues, stigma,participation in planning and decision making, preparedness and response and infectious diseases |
Dr Denis Foretia DForetia@foretiafoundation.org Nkafu Policy Institute Center Region Cameroon |
Cameroon |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Research Institute Think Tank Research Professional |
Community health Governance and health Health economics Health services and policy research Health systems research Infectious diseases Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Global Surgery |
Maha Ismail m.ismail@cdbenchmark.com Cairo Center for Development Benchmarking (CDB) Egypt |
Egypt |
Research Institute Research Professional Monitoring and Evaluation Center |
Community health Data and health Environments and health Gender and health Health economics Labour Pandemic preparedness Public policy Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety |
Cairo Center for Development Benchmarking is seeking an independent researcher to take the role of Canada-based Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) as well as an institution based in Canada. |
Dean of the Faculty of Education and Coordinator of Postgraduate Program Donata Uwimanimpaye mpayedon16@gmail.com Catholic University of Rwanda Butare Rwanda Tel: 250783630377 |
Rwanda Country |
Independent researcher in Canada Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) International organization NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional Community Partner |
Community health Ethics Gender and health Health economics Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research Labour Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Public health Public policy Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Impact of Covid-19 Policies on paid and unpaid women. Gender-based Sexual Violence and Female Sexual Education. Involvement/use of Information System in Research. |
Partner: The Canadian Co-Applicant Organization must: Be a Canadian post-secondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation) or an Indigenous non-governmental organization in Canada with research and/or knowledge translation mandate. Focus of proposed research: Situation of Health and Economy of Paid and Unpaid Women as consequences of Covid-19 policies in Rwanda. |
Grace Alawa grace.alawa1@ust.edu.ng Sustainable Actions for Nature Rivers Nigeria |
Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya |
Independent researcher in Canada Health professional International organization NGO Research Institute Academic Institute |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Gender and health Health economics Health systems research HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Workplace health and safety |
Prof Heinrich Bohlmann heinrich.bohlmann@up.ac.za Partnership for Economic Policy Global South South Africa & Kenya |
LMIC, Global South |
International organization NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Think Tank |
Environments and health Gender and health Governance and health Health services and policy research Labour Public policy Social protection Social sciences and humanities |
Anna Levinsson, PhD anna.levinsson@ki.se Clinical Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet / Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre Stockholm / Quebec Sweden / Canada Tel: 46701751724 |
Sweden & Canada |
Independent researcher in Canada Independent researcher in Sweden |
Community health Gender and health Health services and policy research Mental health and addiction Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations |
Nahla Abdel Tawab Country Director ntawab@popcouncil.org Population Council/Egypt Egypt Tel: 20 100 178 9975 |
Egypt |
International organization |
Digital health Gender and health Sexual and reproductive health Workplace health and safety |
Population Council / Egypt and El Zanaty Associates are partnering are seeking a Canada based research institution with experience in testing digital health solutions in low income settings. |
Shahtaj Mahmud shahtaj.mahmud@ipag.org The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG) Bangladesh Tel: 8801672639648 |
Bangladesh |
NGO Think Tank |
Gender and health Health services and policy research Infectious diseases Pandemic preparedness In partnership with iDESHI, a health institution based in Bangladesh focused on research and capacity building, we have already come up with a research idea on epidemiological studies - describe and analyze patterns of diseases or health among women and consider different population and occupational factors. |
We are looking for a Canadian Co-Applicant Organization |
Dr. Awa GNEME gplouise@yahoo.fr Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo Tel: 22670353611 |
Burkina Faso |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Institute Academic Institute |
Environments and health Infectious diseases Public health |
Mosquito borne diseases, onehealth, NTDs, geohelminthes, Walter borne diseases |
Dr Prasanthi Ilankoon prasanthi@sjp.ac.lk Senior Lecturer, Dept of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura western province Sri Lanka Tel: 94774986623 |
Sri Lanka |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Academic Institute |
Community health Health services and policy research Infectious diseases Mental health and addiction Pandemic preparedness Public health Sexual and reproductive health Workplace health and safety Women's health |
We are working on a research study on "General health, physical activity and prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors of working and non-working women during the COVID-19 pandemic". We are seeking a Canadian Co-applicant for our research who is an independent researcher (Canadian based) affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation. If someone is interested, please send me an email prasanthi@sjp.ac.lk. |
Dr. Nubwa Medugu Nubwa.medugu@gmail.com and Nubwa.medugu@ifain.org National Hospital Abuja and IFAIN Nigeria |
Nigeria and Rwanda |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional NGO Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional |
Gender and health Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Interest and expertise in infectious diseases especially affecting women and children |
Msc Julieta Méndez julieta_mendez92@hotmail.com Universidad Nacional de Caaguazú Latin America Paraguay Tel: 595985300046 |
Paraguay |
Independent researcher in Canada |
Community health Data and health Gender and health HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Public health |
We are looking for a canadian co principal investigator for our proposal. |
Dr. Faith Onditi faithissy@gmail.com Institute of Primate Research (IPR) Nairobi Kenya Tel: 254722993666 |
Kenya |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Institute Research Professional |
Community health Environments and health Ethics Gender and health Infectious diseases Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Sexual and reproductive health |
Happy to collaborate with individuals/ partners/teams who would be interested in the following:
Coordonateur Pek Koukou leonpekekoukou@gmail.com ONG natioanle Bangassou République centrafricaine 72269710 |
République centrafricaine |
NGO Community Partner |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Ethics Evaluations in health Gender and health Governance and health Health economics Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Housing Indigenous health Infectious diseases Labour Legal aspects of health Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Social protection Social sciences and humanities Workplace health and safety Nous apportons des assistance humanitaire aux victimes de la crise militaro-politique |
Nous somme a la recherche des partenaires pour nous appuyer dans les domaines d'assistance humanitaire aux femmes victimes de la crise militaro-politique en République centrafricaine pour leur autonomisation financière. |
Dr. Mekonnen, Getachew Kabew kabewgech@gmail.com Assistant Professor and Researcher in College of Health and Medical Sciences in Haramaya University, Ethiopia Harari Regional State Ethiopia Tel: 251 967688186 |
Ethiopia |
Independent researcher in Canada International organization Research Institute National Government Regional or Local Government |
Community health Environments and health Evaluations in health Gender and health Health services and policy research Infectious diseases Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public health Refugees and displaced populations Social sciences and humanities Epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases |
I welcome a Canadian post-secondary institution with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation or an Indigenous non-governmental organization in Canada with research and/or knowledge translation mandate. I am planning to conduct researches related to poverty driven health problems such as Health equity in the face of Civil war, Covid-19 and inadequate WASH: a triple burden in Ethiopia. Moreover, I want to acknowledge that the presence of multidisciplinary group of researchers in our college. Haramaya university has its own hospital "Hiwot Fana University Referral Hospital" that provide enabling situation for researchers. |
PI Jane Alaii (PhD) fokello@yahoo.com AFRIBA Research Consortium Nairobi Kenya / Halifax, NS Canada Kenya / Canada Tel: 254723403111/+19022922119 | Canada/Kenya |
Independent researcher in Canada Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Institute Academic Institute Research Professional |
Community health Data and health Digital health Environments and health Ethics Evaluations in health Gender and health Governance and health Health information systems Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Mental health and addiction Maternal and child health Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Refugees and displaced populations Sexual and reproductive health Social sciences and humanities |
Canadian Partner needed as Co-PI. Should be willing to travel to Kenya |
Mr. Yomilan Geneti ilaamee16@gmail.com Dire Dawa Dire Dawa Ethiopia Tel: 251928651326 | Ethiopia |
Independent researcher in a Low Middle Income Country (LMIC) Health professional Academic Institute Research Professional |
Gender and health Health services and policy research Health systems research HIV/AIDS Indigenous health Infectious diseases Labour Maternal and child health Occupational disease Pandemic preparedness Public health Public policy Workplace health and safety |
Addis Abeba |
Directeur Exécutif Freddy Bisetsa Muzanez womenconcerndrc@gmail.com Women Concern Sud-Kivu République Démocratique du Congo |
République Démocratique du Congo et le Rwanda |
Health services and policy research HIV/AIDS Sexual and reproductive health Social protection La palnification familiale et l'autonomisation de la femme |
Guillermina Oviedo guillermina.oviedo@gmail.com Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos de la Patagonia, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Chubut Argentina |
Ciudad de Comodoro Rivadavia, provincia de Chubut, país Argentina. | Research Institute |
Community health Gender and health Health services and policy research Indigenous health Social sciences and humanities |
La propuesta de investigación se centra en considerar los procesos de salud-enfermedad-atención de la salud de las mujeres migrantes quechuas provenientes de Bolivia en la ciudad de Comodoro Rivadavia de la Patagonia Argentina. En trabajos previos, desde una mirada intercultural, hemos reconocido una serie de tensiones de estas mujeres con el sistema de salud atendiendo a los procesos de memoria y territorialización de las mismas en la ciudad receptora. De aquí es que nos interesamos en indagar cómo estas mujeres acuden a diferentes lógicas médicas para superar sus dolencias y las de sus familias. En este sentido consideramos que atender al pluralismo médico que ponen en práctica nos permitirá generar instancias productivas para el acceso a la salud de las mujeres migrantes andinas en Comodoro Rivadavia. |
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