Outil d'établissement de liens : Concours Recherche « Une seule santé » sur la grippe aviaire

Pour atteindre les buts et les objectifs de la possibilité de financement pour le concours Recherche « Une seule santé » sur la grippe aviaire des rapports étroits doivent être établis. L'outil d'établissement de liens est l'un des moyens utilisés par les IRSC pour favoriser l'établissement de tels liens. Le tableau ci-dessous contient des renseignements sur des personnes et/ou des organismes désirant échanger de l'information ou établir une collaboration en rapport avec la possibilité de financement pour le concours Recherche « Une seule santé » sur la grippe aviaire.

L'information est donnée sur une base volontaire et ne procure aucun avantage particulier dans l'évaluation ou le financement des demandes.


L'information est fournie dans la langue dans laquelle le répondant l'a présentée.

Coordonnées Lieu Intervenant/
Type de participant
Domaine(s) d'intérêt Autres renseignements
Dr. Melanie Courtot
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and University of Toronto

Independent Researcher

  • Big data portal development
  • Data standardization
  • Data curation
  • Data models FAIR

My team developed the Overture suite, https://www.overture.bio/, which enables the deployment of big data portals for genomic data. We lead the development of the VirusSeq portal for COVID data, https://virusseq-dataportal.ca/. I was also a PHAC/CIHR Influenza Research Network (PCIRN) co-investigator. For more information, please visit: https://courtotlab.genomeinformatics.org/

Andrew Pinto
416-864-6060 x76148
Upstream Lab & University of Toronto
Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec

Independent Researcher

Health Professional

respiratory surveillance; clinical trials; pandemic preparedness; accelerating biomanufacturing; health equity

Our team was recently funded for PREPARED, a national initiative focused on 1) improving respiratory surveillance in primary care and emergency departments; 2) linking patients with acute infections to trials; 3) accelerating Canadian biomanufacturing of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. For more information, please visit: https://upstreamlab. org/project/ prepared/

Anh Tran
Associate Research Officer
National Research Council Canada



Independent Researcher

Federal Government agency

Vaccine development to respiratory virus infection, specifically Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and SARS-COV-2. Research focus also on host immunity to infection and vaccination.

Research Scientist at the National Research Council Canada (NRC) in Ottawa, leading the NRC's small animal CL-3 facility for HPAI and SARS-COV-2 research.

Ralph Pantophlet
Simon Fraser University
British Columbia

Independent Researcher

anti-viral antibodies, humoral immunity, vaccines

For more information, please visit: Ralph Pantophlet - Faculty of Health Sciences - Simon Fraser University

Nelson Lee
Professor, Director
Institute for Pandemics, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Independent Researcher

Health Professional

public health, epidemiology, health policy; vaccines, antivirals, non-pharmaceutical interventions; human-animal interface, occupational exposure risk; surveillance; modeling; clinical and epidemiological studies

IFP is an Institutional Strategic Initiative of the University of Toronto to advance interdisciplinary research on pandemics and pubic health threats; currently with 170+ faculty members from 11 divisions. Our expertise in avian influenza includes epidemiology / clinical studies; surveillance; modeling, AI, and public health response. For more information, please visit: https://pandemics.utoronto.ca/research-themes/

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